Trends in the Tripartite Commission

1. Discussions in the Tripartite Commission, labor and government position differs on normalization of public institutions
The Tripartite Commission held a plenary meeting on 19 August to discuss launching the Committee on Occupational Safety Innovation, the Committee on Public Sector Development, and the Special Committee on Labor Market Structure Improvements. This is in accordance with a recommendation from government and management that a speedy social agreement is needed to solve pending major labor issues such as improving the structure of the labor market and occupational safety.

[Table 1
] Agenda Items for Tripartite Commission Plenary Meeting Discussion

Agenda Items
Points of Discussion
Setup of Committee on Public Sector Development
Preparation for labor-management cooperation in public institutions; innovation plans for the public sector
Setup of Committee on Occupational Safety Innovation
Improvement of safety management systems in industrial sites; preparation of safety culture settlement plan
Setup of Special Committee on Labor Market Structure Improvements
Resolution of wage and working hours issues; innovation of labor market structure
According to decisions made during the plenary meeting, the Committee on Occupational Safety Innovation was expected to launch on 15 September, the Committee on Public Sector Development on 17 September, and the Special Committee on Labor Market Structure Improvements on 19 September. However, it was difficult for these committees to be launched due to differing positions between labor and government on the normalization of public institutions.
Labor representatives of the Committee on Public Sector Development demanded that one subject for discussion be the government’s normalization plans for the public sector. The Ministry of Strategy & Finance (MOSF) refused this demand, saying such demands inappropriate for discussion. Labor representatives refused to discuss any subjects as a way of expressing opposition to the MOSF decision. Discussions of the Tripartite Commission are expected to face difficulties because the labor representatives’ course of action is to refuse to participate in the Tripartite Commission meetings, including the Committee on Public Sector Development, if one of the subjects for discussion is not the government’s normalization plans for the public sector. In addition, labor representatives insisted that the government should stop these plans unless they are a subject for discussion by the Committee on Public Sector Development and an agreement is reached.
Meanwhile, the Tripartite Commission is planning to resume suspended discussions through ∆ Work/Life Balance Committee, ∆ employment-attracting type of Vocational Skills Development Improvement Committee, and ∆ Automobile Parts Business Committee in order to stabilize industrial relations in the second half of the year.
