Trends in Government

MOEL to push ahead with labor market reform policies

The Ministry of Employment & Labor held a meeting to discuss policies on labor market reform on 9 November, with all MOEL heads and directors in attendance. During the meeting, the Minister of Employment & Labor, Lee Ki-kweon, urged each bureau and regional office to make active labor reform policies, and also stressed that the five bills on labor reform need to pass during this year’s National Assembly session.

[Table 1] MOEL Policy Plan on Labor Market Reform

Major Details

Legislative matters

▴ Work to pass the five labor reform bills during the regular session of the National Assembly- Reflect results of discussion by the Economic & Social Development Commission into legislative process in the National Assembly

– Raise public awareness about the need to pass the bills

Administrative matters

▴ Hold monthly meetings to monitor implementation of the Tripartite Agreement, and release the situation to the public▴ Develop guidelines on revision of rules of employment and standards/procedures for termination of employment contracts

– Complete within 2015 if possible

▴ Provide guidance on reflecting major parts of labor reform when companies engage in collective wage bargaining

▴ Continue labor inspections in order to correct illegal and unreasonable labor practices

– e.g.) trade union intervention in HRM and other management rights, transferring an employee’s job to his/her children, etc.

– e.g.) unfair labor practices by employers, such as failure to comply with labor standards, etc.

▴ Promote regional PR campaigns through each regional social dialogue council

