The Ministry of Employment & Labor (MOEL) plans to conduct labor inspections on 20,000 workplaces with focus on presolving discrimination against non-regular workers, pprotecting vulnerable groups including the youth, p shortening long working hours and pidentifying and rooting out unfair personnel management practices.
[Table 1] MOEL Labor Inspection Plans for 2016
Inspection areas |
Targets of Inspection |
Non-regular work |
· Workplaces employing many non-regular workers
· Workplaces using many dispatched and subcontract workers |
Long working hours |
· Workplaces where long working hours have become common such as those in the information & communication industry
· Workplaces with shift work systems where long working hours should shorten, such as at 2nd and 3rd tier partner firms of large companies in the manufacturing sector |
Unfair personnel management practices |
· Workplaces with habitual wage delays, workplaces that have been the subject of social criticism for such things as violence and non-compliance (without justifiable reasons) with reinstatement orders from the Labor Relations Committee |
Vulnerable groups including youth |
· PC rooms, cafes, bars, singing rooms, billiard halls, movie theaters
· Department stores, shopping malls, hypermarkets, warehouses |
The MOEL is strengthening its labor inspection to eliminate discrimination against non-regular workers and toughen action against workplaces where violation of labor laws is found. Workplaces need therefore to conduct their own pre-inspections to ensure they are prepared. The MOEL will give guidance on providing welfare benefits for all workers in workplaces, including non-regular workers. The MOEL also plans to revise its regulations on labor inspector duties in terms of inspecting legal violations immediately and reducing the time given to correct such legal violations.